Why Hiring a Branding Expert is Worth the Investment


This week we popped over to our socials and noticed a tagged post from our latest branding client, Robin with Lovely Lark Living. Robin’s currently in the process of rebranding/refreshing her website and business presence. She hired us to help her with the branding, and we’re obsessed with what we’ve created together! Here’s a little sneak peek…. 😏

Her recent post gave us so much joy, as she explained to her followers why hiring Copperheart Creative to develop her branding was 100% worth the investment. She literally took the words out of our mouth, so we thought we’d share a few of the points she made about the decision and why it’s such valuable feedback for business owners.

In her words, here’s why Robin took the risk, made the investment, and trusted a Copperheart to take her business to the next level.

“Building a website & brand is not my area of expertise so why struggle with it when I can outsource?”

When you begin to build your business, you know it takes a village to get you where you want to go. From financial advisors to affiliates, licensing specialists to lawyers — connecting with the right people is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. Your time is valuable at any stage of your business, so hiring out the tasks that require more brainpower, expertise, or research is just common sense.

This applies to your branding as well! You may be able to whip up a quick logo, but building a full brand that extends into every area of your business can take up time and mental bandwidth you simply don’t have. Outsourcing your branding not only allows you to breathe but also gifts you a unique partnership that supports you while clarifying your message as you build.

“I’m shifting some things in my business to more fully align with who I am and what I’m passionate about, so what better time to update?”

If your current branding isn’t aligning with who you are, what you believe, or who you’re serving — it’s time to hit refresh. As we look towards a new year, now is the perfect time to inventory your business. Is it still hitting home with your desired audience? Are you attracting the level of clients or customers you want? Does your overall aesthetic represent you and your “why” fully? If you’re in a season of shifting, your brand needs to shift with you. That’s what we’re here to help you accomplish!

“I’m working to elevate my client experience from top to bottom so, of course, I want to kick things off with a gorgeous website.”

In our rebrand for Robin, we knew our challenge was to take her fresh ideas and mold them into a client experience that fully represents her heart. It’s what we do with every business owner we work with, and it’s the most exciting part of the process! Your client experience is the most valuable piece of your business, as it has the power to take your customer from loiterer to loyalist. When was the last time you really evaluated your customer experience? What is it lacking? Where can you better communicate? Branding forces you to ask these questions and go deep within your business to discover what’s working and what could use some finesse. Again, it’s SO much more than a logo!

“And here’s the big one, MY BUSINESS IS WORTH INVESTING IN.”

This mindset is a hard hill to climb, and we get it. Believing you are WORTH that investment is difficult, but it’s so important to champion yourself and what you’re offering. Your business needs your 100% buy-in because your customers will sense that lack of belief in yourself. So go all IN. Believe in your business and believe in yourself, then invest in it all with that level of confidence! You are worthy of that investment and we’re here to back you up and build your dream!

If you’re ready to take that leap, our hearts are in it as well. You can book a consultation and audit, or learn more about our services here.