Get In the Business of Gratitude


Every year around this time, we as business owners are usually in one of two mindsets. Either we’ve cashed it in and have fully surrendered to burnout or we’re hustling so hard in Q4 that we’re about to slam head-on into burnout. No matter where you land on the spectrum, end-of-year burnout seems to be the final destination.

So how can we go into this season FULL-hearted, peaceful, and present?

How can we release the burnout state of mind and let go of the anxiety that often follows us into a new year?

One word — gratitude.

When it comes to business ownership, we all know that Q4 brings so much joy but also many bouts of fear, panic, and overwhelm. Creating a regular gratitude practice during this time will not only lighten your load emotionally but will also keep you grounded and heart-led when you’re making those difficult decisions and checking off the tasks.

Here are three ways integrating a gratitude practice into your daily routine will transform your business, your workflow, and your mental health:

Gratitude keeps you coming back to your deeper WHY.

When you live a life of gratitude, your full focus is on something deep and more meaningful. It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day tracking numbers, managing a team, fulfilling client requests. We begin to lose sight of why we started or the purpose behind our work. Gratitude helps you center into that deeper why, reminding you of the heart behind your business. This not only gives you more fulfillment as a business owner, but it becomes infectious to your team as well! Your entire culture could shift just by adding a regular gratitude practice to your routine.

Gratitude brings you back into the present.

Gratitude also has the ability to get you grounded in the present. So much of our anxiety stems from overthinking as we look to the future and worry about an outcome. Sometimes we’re looking to the past and overanalyzing what should have been vs. how we can grow from what is. Gratitude reminds us to let go of what was or what could be and simply enjoy the moment. Operating your business out of this heart will not only lighten your mental load, but it will also allow you to be fully engaged and supportive of your clients and team.

Gratitude reminds helps you prioritize.

Lastly, gratitude reminds us of what really matters. When we’re buried in to-do’s and expectations, gratitude brings us back and invites us to reevaluate our priorities. It puts the focus on what truly impacts, transforms, and fulfills. When we’re operating purely off a task list, we’re unable to pause and reflect. We’re not free to honor the season we’re in and really get the most out of this time. Gratitude keeps our priorities where they were always meant to be, helping us understand what’s important in life and how to manage our time long-term.

A gratitude practice can look different for everyone, but if you’re new to the concept try jotting down ten things you’re grateful for in the morning and then looking over the list again before bed. Taking just a little time to settle in and be thankful for different aspects of your life will transform your daily mindset and lead you to a more positive day overall! It’s worth the effort and one of the most transformative things you can do with your day. Try it and let us know how it shifts your mental health and your business!