It's Been 5 Years of Business — Here's What I've Learned


I can’t believe I get to say this, but I am celebrating FIVE YEARS IN BUSINESS today! It’s been an amazing five years of branding, building relationships, and showcasing the hearts of some pretty incredible small business owners and we’re just deeply grateful for every opportunity!

Over the years, I’ve learned a few things about business that I wish I’d realized starting out. And the great thing about working with start-ups is the gift of sharing in their ups, downs, and life lessons as well. So you could say we’ve accumulated a bit of wisdom along the way!

So to honor this special anniversary here at Copperheart, I’d love to share five things I’ve learned about business ownership that may save you a headache or two along the way!

On burnout

When I sit across from business owners, one of the most common complaints is burnout. It’s such a tempting trap to fall into, and I have been there so many times over the years. If you find yourself tip-toeing into that burnout feeling, all I can say is turn and RUN. Do what you can to delegate, take a beat, let something go, and seek out rest. Your energy and mental health are worth preserving and protecting, and you can’t pour from an empty cup. So check in with yourself after a big project or once a quarter. *wink wink* This is the heart behind what inspired us to start the Fill Your Cup Conference.

Something that helps with this is setting up firm boundaries with yourself, your work, your team, and your relationships. Know your limits and don’t allow others to push you past them. Write them out if you have to and communicate them often. Boundaries are the best defense against burnout and they also inspire those around you to create a few themselves. Everybody grows and everybody wins! A healthy team is a healthy organization!

On business besties

If I could leave you with the one piece of advice that rules them all it would be this — you can’t do it alone! You need relationships around you to support, uplift, and keep you healthy on your business journey. Because let’s be honest, the world of business ownership is hard. It just is. And it can feel disconnected and lonely if we aren’t intentional about building relationships that go beyond a transaction.

Investing in your business besties is key to any business success. They understand the game and they understand the hustle. They’ll be there to bounce ideas off of, to inspire, and to cheer you on as you take risks and work towards your dream!

One note on finding those business besties — try not to compare! When you begin to network or meet other business owners in your industry or niche, it can be so easy to lead with comparison. To see their skills as a threat vs. an asset. Comparison will ruin you if you let it, so throw those blinders on and stay in your lane. Embrace those around you and learn from their journey, but don’t covet their path.

On branding

When it comes to starting a business, I’ve learned the most important thing is to know who you are before selling what you do. If you don’t have a clue what you’re for or why what you do matters, it will be nearly impossible to convince someone else to buy into what you’re offering. So start with the WHY, or as we at Copperheart like to say, “start with the heart!” It will be your secret sauce and help you to stand out from the competition—without even trying—simply by embracing your God-given gifts and unique personality to be you, not them!

For us, uncovering our client’s secret sauce in deep, vulnerable conversations is what planted the desire in my heart to start our podcast, Small Business Big Heart. I wanted to create a platform to share their raw stories—from real people—running successful businesses with heart. Our goal was to make their story accessible so other business owners can feel encouraged along their journey!

On building…

Every single business owner we speak to has a big vision in mind. They know where they’re going and what they’re building towards. But sometimes that vision can actually get in the way of our future success. When building, I’ve learned it’s so important to keep your hands open. Recognize that it takes time and that Rome wasn’t built in a day. You’ve got to put in the hours, the sweat, and (lots of) tears before you get to that destination, and that’s ok. It’s all part of the journey, so embrace it!

Keep growing every single day. Keep risking and dreaming. Just make sure you’re holding it all loosely and keep your heart open to shifts, opportunities, or even bigger dreams to pop in!

On big celebrations…

It wouldn’t be me if I didn’t mention celebrating every little thing in a BIG way! Yes, I truly mean everything! Got a new client? Take ten and call a business bestie to scream! Made your first, fiftieth, or even five-hundredth sale? Stop everything you’re doing, blast some music, and dance it out!

Listen, no one is going to celebrate those wins if you don’t celebrate them yourself. There’s something about taking those little moments to pat yourself on the back that keeps you going. It reminds you WHY you do what you do, what you have to look forward to, and that it’s actually possible! So celebrate big, small, and all the in-betweens!

Now if you’ll excuse me, the team and I are going to celebrate BIG with TONS of confetti at the Fill Your Cup Conference because five years in business only comes around once and it’s worth all the balloons and poppers! We’re so thankful for you and you’ve supported us along the way and especially in this season. Let’s keep it going! Here’s to five more years of fresh dreams, big risks, deeper relationships, and heartfelt connections! Here’s to YOU!🥂