6 Ways To Stay Focused While Working From Home


A lot of people recommend that getting dressed and presentable while working from home is the best way to feel productive. But if weโ€™re being real, I personally thrive in yoga pants and workout clothes! So, you won't be hearing that #TuesdayTip from me today! ๐Ÿ˜‚

After working from home for almost 4+ years, I've found some great ways to trick myself into being productive and tackle that to-do list! Here we goโ€ฆ

1. Get your booty out of bed!

This is my BIGGEST RULE. If you don't have a home office, find a space where you can spread out, like a large table or kitchen island. Your bedroom should always be a sacred room for REST, and working from that area will never benefit your sleep patterns.

2. Plan your day!

Find your sweet spots and use them! My most productive time is from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm. Once you know your sweet spot for productivity, plan your most important tasks (high level of thinking, planning, creativity, etc.) during these times. Then sprinkle in the smaller work in-between. Don't forget to go for a walk or get up and move between each big block of time!

3. Pause for walks between switching tasks.

A quick 15-minute walk or yoga stretch will give your brain a break. You'll end up being MORE productive than if you just sit there scrolling. Exercise gives you time to reflect on your tasks completed, then plan for what you're about to tackle!

4. Don't forget to eat lunch and drink water.

It sounds crazy to think that you could go without pausing to eat or drink, but sometimes you just forget. Why not set a food alarm! You get a lunch break at work, so don't forget to take one at home and let your brain and belly refocus.

5. Save the chores for your lunch break.

Don't make a habit of interrupting your work focus on household tasks. Instead, set aside time later in the day to clean up and leave the breaks for physical exercise.

6. Stick to your normal closing time.

Boundaries are SO hard when working from home. It's easy to let your normal 5:00 pm closing time, turn into a 7:00 pm "just this one quick thing", and pretty soon you're working till midnight. Boundary up and keep your normal office times.

What are YOU doing to stay productive this week? Let's hear some more tips and join the conversation on our Instagram Post#CopperheartCreative #TuesdayTips