4 Practical Ways To Stay Focused And Finish Your Year Strong


Do you struggle with keeping your focus at the end of the year? I think as business owners, we all could probably admit it's more difficult to stay on track. So what are some best practices for keeping year-end business focus while doing #AllTheThings? We've got you covered! Here's what we're doing to keep that ball rolling:

1. Write it down.

There's something magical that happens in our brains when we physically take time to put pen to paper. Making lists on a phone or device is fine, but if you really want to put things to memory, we suggest going old school with a classic to-do list! If it helps, make it like an art project one night this week! Get an oversized sheet of paper (or even posterboard!) and create a goals/deadlines list in each category. Keep your calendar updated and start your morning with a quick review of the daysโ€™ expectations.

2. Prioritize.

Let's be honest, some of the things on our list may be more fun to conquer, like shopping, decorating, cookie baking. But if we're running a business at the same time, we need to establish some boundaries throughout the holiday season. Prioritizing will help you visualize what actually is the most necessary to accomplish that day and what can wait. It will also help you establish a rewards system! For example, if you finish sending invoices then you take an hour for online Christmas shopping! Find what works for you and keep the main thing the main thing!

3. Delegate.

When in doubt (or overwhelm), evaluate what can be delegated. Don't be afraid to ask for help this season! Whether it's present wrapping or filing, there are friends, family, coworkers who have the bandwidth to help. Look at your to-do's and separate the tasks that could be finished by someone else, then honor their extra time with a special gift or small token of gratitude.

4. Say NO.

We've said it before and we'll say it again โ€” it's ok to say NO even in the holiday season! If you know that your workload on a specific day will keep you from truly enjoying an evening event or being present with your friends, it's ok to bow out. That being said, this requires some wisdom in balance. Sometimes we need to step away from the office to give our minds a break. So be honest with yourself and prioritize wisely.

There are so many ways to ensure you keep your focus as we end out the year. It just takes a bit of intentionality and self-awareness. You've got this! We can't wait to celebrate your wins this month!