5 Ways To Keep Gratitude At The Heart Of Your Business


December is a great time to be grateful, but we don't wait for the holidays to show our clients and team how much they are appreciated. Here is how I celebrate each member of our Copperheart family year-round and keep gratitude at the center of my business:

1. Gratitude in our Creative Process.

One of my favorite ways to show gratitude throughout the year is in the form of thoughtful gifts! We always create custom launch gifts and mini-celebrations for our clients when we finalize a project, and it's such a special moment for all of us. Custom "thank you's" are always a win!

2. Gratitude in our Calendar.

Scheduling gratitude may sound nuts but I'm absolutely serious about this intentionality! Block time in your calendar once a month for handwritten thank you cards, personalized newsletters, quick emails, and social posts to show your gratitude.

3. Gratitude in our Mailbox.

Let's be honest, we ALL love personal snail mail, right? We designed custom Copperheart thank you postcards to send out to contractors and clients after inquiry calls, meetings, or projects. Sending a thank you the old fashioned way just feels a bit more special and intentional! Need some custom postcards? We can help with that!

4. Gratitude in our Community.

We all know that word of mouth promotion is how small businesses thrive. Referrals, social shout outs, and testimonials keep us all afloat, so taking time each month to offer another business this quick kindness is so important.

5. Gratitude in our Hearts.

A team culture of gratitude starts from the top down. It starts with YOU. I love ending or starting my week by writing down ten things I'm grateful for. Whether it's my team, something in my personal life, or my faith -- I find that once I start the list, I can't stop and it puts me in such a healthy mental space.

How will you add a little gratitude into your business this year? I encourage you to be intentional and actively find ways to incorporate this practice. I promise it not only does wonders for your business but more importantly, it'll do wonders for your HEART.