Is Your Brand Outdated? 3 Ways to Know for Sure...


When was the last time you really considered your current branding? I mean, REALLY considered it. Are your fonts still relevant and modern? Is the color scheme fresh? When was the last time you updated your photography? How about your current collateral? Is it fully connecting with your audience?

For many business owners, branding feels set in stone. Once it’s designed and integrated, they don’t want to touch it again. However, the most successful businesses understand that your brand is your storefront. It not only attracts your ideal customer, but it keeps them coming back year after year. That’s why it’s essential to keep your branding exciting and up to date.

This doesn’t mean you need a full refresh every year. Google has gone through 5 rebrands since the 90s and all it took was a subtle font shift. You may not need a big relaunch, but if there are certain elements of your brand that feel outdated, it’s time to take action.

So how do you know if your branding is outdated? Here are a few things to consider before you begin that refresh…

1. Does your voice reflect your heart?

If you want to quickly clarify whether or not your brand needs an update, take a look at your current copywriting voice. Read through your social media captions, web copy, and customer service communication. Does your current voice reflect the heart behind your business? Take a look at your company values and make sure your copy feels aligned.

Most importantly, does your voice feel human? Clients and customers are, first and foremost, people. They’re looking to connect and are coming to you because of a very specific desire or need. Get on their level, honor their experience, and make them feel seen with your copy. This is what it’s all about anyway, right?

2. Are your photos up to date?

One of the most glaring indications your brand is out of date is generic stock photography. If your website, collateral, or socials are filled with stock stills and no personalized imagery, your audience will have a very hard time connecting.

Make it a priority in 2023 to invest in personal brand photoshoots. As I said before, your brand is your storefront. Your photos should showcase the heart behind your brand and that requires a bit more effort. I like to schedule quarterly shoots to ensure I have up-to-date imagery, but if you just prioritize a fresh shoot each year, that will instantly transform your brand for the better.

3. Is it time for an audience audit?

When was the last time you updated your brand guidelines? Your brand is going to evolve just as much as your business. Taking the time to note any changes in your business will automatically inform any branding changes.

Has your audience shifted as you’ve grown? Do a little audit of who is currently interacting with your brand and let that guide your branding refresh. Are you still connecting? Are they still engaged? What do they love most about your brand? What would they like to see more of? Understanding your audience and allowing your business growth to reveal branding shifts will transform everything!

If you truly want your business to continue to grow and flourish, your branding is a major stepping stone on the path forward. Keeping it up-to-date and relevant will keep your audience engaged and excited to connect. Get your team involved and put regular branding audits on the calendar.

If you’re ready for that branding refresh, we’d love to connect with you. We are now booking for 2023, but spots are going fast. Click here to start the process or be added to the waitlist!