Scheduling Rest in 2023 Will Transform Your Business


As we inch closer to the new year, our brains are inevitably pivoting toward goal-setting and dreaming big for our business. We’re being bombarded by images, courses, podcasts, and videos that tell us we need to get our calendar in order before entering the new year or we’ll fall behind. Yikes!

It can feel like…a lot.

Setting intentions for the new year is important if we want to flourish. However, one thing we often miss while working on our calendar is seasons of rest. I see it all the time with business owners and am guilty of it myself! I used to make big plans and start the year strong with clear directives.

After a few months of hustle, something always shifted. I put in the hours, overextended my team, and overwhelmed my head and heart. I hit a wall, completely burn out, and wondered WHY.

If we truly want to have a healthy, balanced business, we have to schedule times of rest. Giving yourself and your team breaks throughout the year ensures you all thrive vs. simply surviving quarter by quarter.

Here are three ways to get those seasons of rest on your calendar and build a healthy work/life balance along the way…

Copperheart Creative Scheduling Rest in 2023 Will Transform Your Business - Business Tips Preparing for 2023

1. It all starts with awareness.

One of the best things I started doing for my business was taking note of busy seasons. This takes some awareness and observation, but this practice is a game-changer. Look back at 2022 and write down any seasons that felt particularly heavy. Was there ever a day/week/month where you or your team felt burnt out? What was happening during that time? Will it happen again in 2023?

By getting really aware of your seasons of business, you’ll know when to schedule in those moments of rest. As you begin to keep track of your personal patterns or rhythms, you’ll be more prepared to move into the next step of the process: making a plan.

Copperheart Creative Scheduling Rest in 2023 Will Transform Your Business - Business Tips Preparing for 2023

2. It’s time to make a plan.

Now that you know your patterns and heavier seasons, you’re able to make a plan for rest in 2023. Take a look at your schedule and begin to define what rest looks like for you and your team.

Once you know what needs to happen, and this is the most important part, actually put it on the calendar!

Do you need a solo vacation after a busy launch month? Can you delegate some tasks or even have someone manage your email each day to get some time back on your calendar? Does your team need a mental health day or some clear permission to take a breath? How are your relationships? Do you need to add in some time away with people you love to recharge after a heavy holiday sales season?

These are questions to jot down and think through as you look at your calendar this year. Big dreams and goals are great, but they require the best of us. That means we have to give our hearts, minds, and bodies a break now and then. Make a plan and if you need help sticking to it…that brings us to our next step!

Copperheart Creative Scheduling Rest in 2023 Will Transform Your Business - Business Tips Preparing for 2023 - Seek Accountability - Don't try to do it alone - Together - Mastermind - Coach

3. Seek out some accountability.

If I didn’t have people in my life reminding me to take a beat, I know my business would suffer. I learned early on that I need relationships that champion rest as hard as they champion my dreams. Whether it’s a mentor, fellow business owner, or team member — discuss your plan for rest with someone you trust and ask for that accountability.

Make sure you begin over-communicating your intentions for rest in 2023 and get your friends, family, and team on board for that shift. Let them know how they can support you along the way and then settle in for a healthy year of business balance!

We all know business ownership is a rollercoaster. We have to learn how to fill our own cups if we want to have that balance we crave. If you truly want to flourish in 2023, yes get those big dreams on paper. But don’t forget to schedule those vital periods of rest. Trust me. Your body, your team, and your heart will thank you!

If you’re ready to transform your business in 2023 and build a brand you love, we want to connect with you. We are now booking for next year, but spots are going fast. Click here to start the process or be added to the waitlist!


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