3 Ways to Prepare Your Business for the Holiday Season


October is one of my favorite months of the year. The colors, the weather, the cozy drinks, and outdoor festivals — it all fills my cup! I’m learning that it’s such a sweet month to get really present with my community and relationships, but it’s also my favorite month to get present with my business.

Q4 may seem like a wind-down, but we know as business owners that it’s actually our busiest time of the year. That’s why I view October as a strategy season. If I truly want to keep that FULL presence going and step away during the holidays, I’ve got to ensure every piece of my business is considered and coordinated.

Getting ahead of the upcoming season is the key to your end-of-the-year success, so don’t wait on this. Let’s talk about the three things you need to start managing NOW if you want your business to flourish through the holidays.

1. Manage your budget.

First things first — you’ve got to make sure your Q4 budget is ready for holiday expenses. It’s time to make your list and check it twice! Do gifts need to be purchased? Are you sending clients holiday cards or branded swag?

Is a gift even necessary? Here at Copperheart, I’ve gotten into the practice of celebrating my team and clients at other times of the year. Don’t give in to the societal pressure of gift-giving if there are more intentional, creative ways to show you care.

Another budgetary item to consider is charitable giving. How will you be giving back to your community or industry this season? Will it be a monetary gift or service? Can you get your team involved? So many non-profits host events throughout the holidays and there are many ways to donate and connect with causes you believe in.

2. Manage your time.

One of the quickest ways to burn out in Q4 is a lack of time-management. You’ve got to get realistic about your capacity. What can you feasibly commit to and where can you boundary up? Take a look at your schedule and be honest about the events you’re willing to attend or host. Start setting expectations with your team now so they know what you’ll be able to take on and what you need to delegate moving forward.

Get really comfortable with the word “no” this season and know that the world will not end if decide to stay home and watch Christmas Vacation again.

Speaking of vacation, while you’re working out those yes and no’s, be sure to schedule in some downtime for yourself. When will you watch Hallmark movies or drive around looking at Christmas lights with hot cocoa? Release yourself from the expectation of being at all the things so you can actually enjoy your holiday.

3. Manage your expectations.

Now that your budget and time are managed well, the final step is to manage expectations. Because you made some boundaries with personal commitments this season. you’re free to communicate those expectations with your family, friends, and team. Keep your travel schedule in mind as you plan ahead. Will you be visiting family? Are there any dates you can push back or move up to give you some room for rest?

Start to reach out and communicate your Q4 intentions and availability. Some of these conversations will be harder than others, but going ahead and setting those expectations will save you a lot of potential emotional labor down the line. Make sure your team is clear on what you expect from them and their personal time allowances. This all feels like heavy work in the moment, but in the end, it will ensure you and everyone in your circle have a meaningful and stress-free holiday experience.

Preparing your business for the holidays in October may feel a bit like jumping the gun, but I promise it’s going to save you so much time and mental energy. Thanksgiving and Christmas have a tendency to sneak up on us, so clarifying your personal boundaries and expectations gives you the peace of mind you need to be fully present with the holiday magic.

If your Q4 includes some strategic planning for 2023, be sure to consider your current brand. Is it still reflecting the vision and heart behind your business? Is it up-to-date? If your brand needs a refresh or you’re finally ready to make the leap and start that new business, we’d love to chat with you! We’re here to support you and are now booking branding projects for 2023. CLICK HERE to get in touch!


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