4 Ways To Craft Your Perfect Elevator Pitch


Our elevator pitches are quick (typically 30-60 seconds), personable explanations of who you are, why you do what you do, whom you are serving, and what solutions you provide.
After networking over the past year, we realized that our elevator pitch was CONSTANTLY evolving. We couldn't seem to solidify that solid phrasing that explains who we are as a company. So, here are four ways Amber stepped in and helped us master the art of the elevator pitch:

1. Awareness.

As you begin practicing your elevator pitch, be aware of all the ways you change your phrasing each time you offer it up. Does it evolve depending on the person or setting? Try to remember how you said it, and possibly write it down for reference later. Make note of who you were speaking with (age, profession, gender, relationship, etc.) and the setting (location, event, circumstances, etc.). This will help you narrow your focus and move on to step two.

2. Clean it up. 

Based on the notes you took above, determine which persona you'd consider to be your 'target audience'. Was it the local business owner at a networking event? Was it the working mom next door? Or maybe it was the corporate manager during a meeting. By establishing your audience, you can easily move onto step three.

3. Consistency.

Once you've discovered your target, it's time to refine your elevator pitch! Start to craft your pitch with a focus on speaking directly to that audience and then pop it in everywhere that phrasing is needed. This could be in person, your web bio, a podcast interview intro, etc!

4. Practice.

Finally and most importantly, practice practice practice that pitch! Use it everywhere with everyone until it flows and feels genuine. You can do this at networking events, with your friends, family, neighbors, the friendly cashier at Target, etc. The more you practice, the more confident you'll feel!

We'd love to hear YOUR elevator pitch! Share a quick version below and cheer each other on!! Join the conversation on our recent Instagram post here.