3 Ways To Stay Focused On YOUR Goals, Not Theirs


I don't know about you, but every year when New Year’s Eve approaches, my feed is overrun with goal-oriented posts and big announcements. It's easy to get caught up in the scroll, watching other business owners declare their dream and how they'll accomplish it this year.

If we're not careful, it can make us feel small or unproductive, we can quickly slip into comparison and we all know what that leads to. In the midst of the January hustle, here are three ways to stay focused on YOUR goals, not theirs:

1. Stay in your lane.

One of the quickest ways to bring the focus back to your personal goals and away from others is to remember what makes you unique! If you need to write it down, make a list of how you stand out in your industry and why no one else can attract your audience as you can. Put your goals in a prominent place, whether it's on an office whiteboard or on a post-it taped to your laptop. This way, when you feel distracted by others’ success, you can keep your eye on where you alone are heading. Stay in your lane and keep your eyes forward! You've got this!

2. Stop looking around and start looking up. 

Once you've gotten in the habit of keeping your eyes forward, I suggest looking UP for a little extra help. Your affirmation shouldn't come from others. Real, lasting love and acceptance comes from God. Start looking to Him for direction, worth, and purpose.

3. Fill up your cup, first.

Sometimes we can get overwhelmed with comparison and even our own goal-setting. It's ok to admit we all need help in certain seasons! Who is holding you accountable? Who's encouraging you and building you up? I'd love for you to join us at Fill Your Cup Conference where you'll find the courage (and rest!) you need while meeting other business owners just like you. Be sure to give them a follow for all the conference info!

Stay in your lane, start looking up for help, and be sure to always fill your own cup — these are the keys to keeping your focus! Have tips for us? What helps you focus on your business goals vs. theirs? Join the conversation on our recent Instagram post here.