5 Ways To Make The Most Out Of A Conference & Avoid The Crash Afterward


We're only a few days away from Fill Your Cup Conference and to celebrate we're sharing some of our favorite conference tips all week long! Today is no exception! No matter what event you're attending, there are definitely ways to take full advantage of your conference experience.

Here are five ways to make the most out of a conference and avoid the crash afterward!

1. Embrace The Speakers

If you really want a FULL conference experience, get familiar with the leaders instructing you. Learn their mission and story, business, etc. so when they speak you already have some context. This way, you can focus on what they're saying and skip the insta-stalking!

2. Pack Accordingly

Make a mental note of what should be in your purse or go-bag! A few of our favorites: water bottle, Larabars, m&m's, mints/gum, notebook, 2-3 pens, lots of business cards, highlighter, phone, and portable charger. Did we miss anything? Oh, and the kitchen sink!

3. Come Early & Caffeinated

Nothing is worse than walking in late to an event that's already begun. Wake up early, get your first cup of coffee, research your parking plan! You'll be excited and ready for that smiling face greeting you at the door.

4. Introduce Yourself

Let's be real. You get out of it, what you put into it. Making the most of events is mostly about getting out of your comfort zone. We recommend making a goal of introducing yourself to FIVE new people. Start when you're in line at registration, then your table where you're sitting, and maybe even a speaker after their talk!

5. Accountability

We all know the feeling of the AFTER-event crash. We leave inspired, heading home with 27 pages of notes. And then, you guessed it, the CRASH! We recommend this game-changer tip: Follow up with someone you met at the event. Ask to grab coffee, or if they're not local, ask to jump on a video call to see how they are applying what they learned in their real life.

There you go! You're officially ready for the Fill Your Cup Conference! And so are WE! Only a few days left! Who's excited?!