How Brand Awareness Will Protect Your Business In The Unknown


Business owners everywhere are in the process of restructuring and rebuilding. This pandemic has set us on an unprecedented path, and navigating through will require a lot from all of us.

When numbers start to fall and everything is put on pause, it's easy to jump straight to profit mentality. Panic can cause us to throw on business blinders and jump straight to "the purchase is the priority!"

But for some businesses, this may not be the best strategy according to research. Monetization is important, we all know this. But when the world is stalled, AWARENESS should become the main task. Brand awareness is KEY for your business right now. Not only does it increase your numbers but it also increases your sales projections.


So let’s talk about HOW to set up your business for success in unprecedented circumstances.

Right now is the time to focus on empowering and streamlining all of your business processes. Trim the fat, think through your systems and evaluate them honestly and objectively.

Step back and look at the bigger impact of your brand. Is it recognizable? Is it know for anything in particular? Take note of what's working and what needs to be worked through. This could be as simple as changing up your voice or it could end up in a full branding overhaul. Be ready and expectant for both!

When evaluating your brand, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is our current branding making an impact?

  • Is our current branding drawing in customers and keeping them around?

  • Is our current branding connecting to our primary target audience?

  • Is our current branding showcasing the heart behind our business?

  • Is our current branding pushing us to the forefront during this time?

If the answer is NO to any of the above, it’s time to make a change. Because once this passes, purchasing will once again become the priority, and you WANT to be a name they remember when that begins.

You want to be a steady voice and memorable visual for your audience. You want to be adding new viewers and community everyday in creative ways. You want your heart to be reflected in every inch of what you do so that true and lasting connections can be formed.

We’re here to help you with ALL of this, so don’t worry. You’re not alone! We offer brand consultation calls and audits to get you started, so schedule your personal consult HERE! If you’re ready to take the full rebranding plunge, let's chat about the next steps and how we work towards better business awareness during this time!