Heartfelt Brand Questionnaire



This high-valued document is hands down the MOST important part of our entire branding process! Before we ever start the creative process, we require our clients to fill out this in-depth questionnaire. This allows you to gather your thoughts in one place in digestible questions that will get deeper and deeper as you go on. This will immediately ensure that anyone touching your brand will correctly capture your heart, hear your story, and cast a clear vision for the direction of your brand!

This document includes:

  • 5-pages packed full of juicy questions to reflect and capture who you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going!

  • The valuable homework to create the foundation of your future business plan.

  • After filling out our brand questionnaire, you will be able to work with any designer and be able to clearly communicate your vision for the brand.

  • FREE: Introduction Branding Exercise

  • You will receive $200 OFF our Copperheart Creative branding packages with the purchase of this product.

I want this!


This high-valued document is hands down the MOST important part of our entire branding process! Before we ever start the creative process, we require our clients to fill out this in-depth questionnaire. This allows you to gather your thoughts in one place in digestible questions that will get deeper and deeper as you go on. This will immediately ensure that anyone touching your brand will correctly capture your heart, hear your story, and cast a clear vision for the direction of your brand!

This document includes:

  • 5-pages packed full of juicy questions to reflect and capture who you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going!

  • The valuable homework to create the foundation of your future business plan.

  • After filling out our brand questionnaire, you will be able to work with any designer and be able to clearly communicate your vision for the brand.

  • FREE: Introduction Branding Exercise

  • You will receive $200 OFF our Copperheart Creative branding packages with the purchase of this product.


This high-valued document is hands down the MOST important part of our entire branding process! Before we ever start the creative process, we require our clients to fill out this in-depth questionnaire. This allows you to gather your thoughts in one place in digestible questions that will get deeper and deeper as you go on. This will immediately ensure that anyone touching your brand will correctly capture your heart, hear your story, and cast a clear vision for the direction of your brand!

This document includes:

  • 5-pages packed full of juicy questions to reflect and capture who you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going!

  • The valuable homework to create the foundation of your future business plan.

  • After filling out our brand questionnaire, you will be able to work with any designer and be able to clearly communicate your vision for the brand.

  • FREE: Introduction Branding Exercise

  • You will receive $200 OFF our Copperheart Creative branding packages with the purchase of this product.


“Copperheart Creative’s brand questionnaire helped me finally discover who I am as a business and gave me a clear vision for the future of my brand… before ever mentioning visuals.”



How to get the most out of this document?

This is our favorite document to dig back up after you’ve been in business for 1 year, 5 years, or even 10+ years to remind you of your humble beginnings and the original vision you had for your business to see how it’s shifted, evolved, and changed over the year(s)! We encourage you that once you’re done filling it out to set a reminder in your calendar annually to reread it and/or refill it out!

Got a business partner?

We recommend you fill out this document separately. Then once you’ve both had time to accurately capture your vision with your answers, come together and go over your answers, one question at a time. This allows you and your business partner to come together and see clearly where your vision aligns and also creates awareness of the areas you need more clarity within. It will save you lots of headaches in the future!

Have additional questions about our Brand Questionnaire?
Contact us at hello@copperheartcreative.com.