4 Time Management Tips You Need Right Now


How many times a week do you think to yourself, “If I only had more time?!” It’s a common complaint amongst business owners, and we get it! You’re in hustle mode, you’re overwhelmed with tasks, and they’re just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day.

So how can you make more time? Is that even possible? It all comes down to that icky little phrase that makes entrepreneurs across the globe cringe: time management. There are so many resources for best practices, from time management apps to online courses. Here are a few of our favorite ways to “make more time” and turn back the clock during a hectic work week!

1. Schedule standing or walking meetings.

In the time of Covid, meetings are how we survive. For many of us, it’s our only point of true connection throughout the day, but sometimes they can really thwart your productivity. If you do have the option and are back in the office, we suggest scheduling standing or walking meetings. When you’re in the midst of an action, it helps everyone stay focused on top-priority topics.

Walking is proven to center concentration, plus it helps get those much-needed steps throughout the day! Ask a colleague for a quick stroll around the building, or ask your team to circle up while standing. You’ll be shocked how this little adjustment moves meetings along and gets you back to priorities.

2. Try some delegation.

When in doubt, delegate! Trust us, if you want something done right, you truly do NOT have to do it yourself. In fact, it would be unhealthy if you did. If you have a tendency to micromanage or struggle with an incompetent staff member, it’s time to face the issue and make some changes. Delegation is the greatest tool you have in your arsenal, so use it strategically and generously.

When things pile up, look at your list and consider what can be passed out to another team member. Not only does this prove you trust your staff, but it also furthers their development and includes them in the business-building process. 

3. Remember that done is better than perfect.

We all have a tendency to push out the best content, best product, best work we possibly can as business owners. It’s a reflection of our heart, it’s our baby. So we do what we can to make it the best it can be. That being said, for the sake of time, sometimes done truly is better than perfect. The temptation to edit and rework a project is honestly more of a time-suck than a worthy endeavor.

Surround yourself with a team that gets this mindset and helps you maintain it as well. Know when to move on, when to let go, and when to press for better. This will save you so much time in the long run and set positive and achievable expectations for your team.

4. Use the “3-Minute Email Rule”.

We all know how it feels to open the inbox and discover a mountain of needs. It can almost feel crippling to see everything that requires an “urgent” response, but we’ve discovered a little trick that really helps from David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” productivity system.

If you can deal with a request by email in three minutes or less, do it immediately. Knock it off your list and move on. If you know this answer will take longer than three minutes, leave it for a dedicated time in your day. Once you begin this practice, it becomes a muscle-memory style habit and you’ll become really good at eyeing which emails truly require your immediate attention. It saves you time, heals some headaches, and keeps you from distractions.

As business owners, it’s so important we stay on task. We are all given the same amount of time, but what really separates us is the ability to work smart, not hard. Being prepared, staying organized, and coming up with little hacks to keep you focused will save you that extra time and keep you in a productive mode throughout your workweek. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed as a new business owner, maybe delegating your branding is a good place to start! We’d love to chat with you about how we can take that on and leave you with the more important task of running your business!


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