6 Tips To Rest Like A Boss For Max Productivity


We ALL know how important sleep is for business owners. But we also know the work it takes to keep the hustle going and how hard it is to your mind from racing when your head hits the pillow. When it comes to getting those much needed zzz's, a little planning and a few boundaries go a long way! Here are a few of our favorite life-saving tips to help you prepare for rest like a pro!

1. Plan.

Review your calendar for the next day, when are you going to workout? Do you have any meetings? Will you be traveling? Any fires to put out? How about admin work? Time for rest? Time for gratitude? Time for learning? Plan it out and make sure you know what's coming for the best possible flow of a successful day tomorrow!

2. Dump.

Instead of trying to remember every note in your brain as your head hits the pillow, write out a "brain dump" of all ideas/thoughts on paper. It's a proven fact that when you write down all of those swirling thoughts, lists, and memos, it eases your mind and clears those clutter from your brain. You can prioritize and tackle that list tomorrow!

3. Gratitude.

Write out a list of gratitude for the day! Ie: What are 3 things you're grateful for? It helps you remember your place, how blessed you are, and adds a sense of peace before going to bed.

4. Read.

Read at least 10 minutes of a book that makes you happy (heck, light a candle if you're feeling the zen!) It will help you fall asleep while you're cozy and inspired.

5. Calm.

Do a 5-min meditation and/or stretch. It sounds silly, but we are constantly working so hard. Allow your body and mind to get in "rest mode" for the best possible sleep! Our favorite apps are Headspace or Simple Habit.

6. Unplug.

Last but MOST IMPORTANT - After your meditation, put your phone in the other room to charge (Protip: Get an old school alarm!) Having your phone within reach or even in the same room attracts the stress of to-do's for your business, clients, or team. We realize it's not possible for everyone to do this, but we've seen a drastic amount of relief in our stress level by trying this!

We’ve been perfecting this routine for years, and are so happy to share it with you! Comment on our recent Instagram post and share what other practices have saved your bedtime routine? Have you seen a notice increase in productivity the following day? On that note, we think it's time to practice what we preach! Sleep tight! Lights out! Goodnight!