4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Hiring Help


One of the number one questions I'm asked as a business owner is, "What do I need to consider when hiring help as a startup?"

Taking on your first (or fifth!) employee, contractor, or intern can be a daunting experience. Will they be the right fit? Is their resume really legit? Are they going to add or detract from this thing I'm building? In a way, hiring your team can feel like an act of surrender, and it's ok to feel some anxiety in the process!

Here are a few things I like to keep in mind when I'm hiring help:

1. What do I actually need?

Sometimes we're looking for someone to fill a role that could be done through a contractor for a lower fee and less maintenance. Other times, we could be trying to outsource services while what we actually need is someone to assist with administrative tasks that pile up. Take time to look at the role and ask yourself what you REALLY need. It could save you time, training, and money in the process!

2. Is it the right time?

Are you feeling overwhelmed with your workload and ready to delegate? Are you financially in a place that makes sense for a new hire? Consider the timing and make sure you aren't just having a bad work week before bringing on help. If you feel the timing is right, then move on to the next tip!

3. What am I really looking for?

We can't stress this enough: WRITE IT DOWN. Make a list of what you desire in an employee, their attributes, core values, schedule, experience. Make sure you know what you want so you'll be ready to filter (and not settle out of desperation!) as you begin the interview process.

4. Do I have something worth offering?

Finally, be sure you have something a prospective employee would desire. Before you begin the hiring process, map out the pay scale, schedule, and expectations. Ensure there is no question of what is needed and what is being offered before diving in. Communication throughout this experience is KEY to hiring strong and setting the tone for your company culture.

We know from experience, the best hire starts with you becoming the most aware of what you really need, not what you think you need. Taking the time to reflect and ask yourself these questions before beginning the hiring process will save you from lots of headaches and confusion down the road.

We'd love to hear some tips from YOU! What do you consider when hiring a new employee? What do's and don'ts have you learned along the way? Join the conversation on our Instagram post here.