5 Ways You Can Help with Tornado Relief in Nashville


In light of the tragic events here in Nashville, we want to share a few ways that you can help as we begin to rebuild as a community. For those looking to get involved, here are 5 ways we're asking our team to serve this week:

1. Ask.

For starters, simply ask how you can help. Reach out to community leaders, friends, or businesses in need and be ready to offer up yourself or team. Ask how you can pray or how you can fulfill any personal needs. Ask about mental health and check on the heart of those affected.

2. Give.

If you have the resources but can't afford the time, give give give! You can text RELIEF2020 to 41444 or visit United Way for more information on how to donate funds to disaster relief! There are also GoFundMe's set up from various friends like The Home Edit and Shawn Johnson. The West Nashville Dream Center has posted an Amazon list and is requesting household goods, baby items, construction tools, and other supplies. Cookeville needs blood this week as well, so consider donating at a local blood bank! 

3. Go.

When in doubt, get your hands dirty! There are so many opportunities to serve on the ground here in Nashville, from picking up debris to helping with food delivery and donations. Relief centers like Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, American Red Cross, and Hands-On Nashville are gathering donations, organizing volunteers, and helping in any way they can. Consider signing up or serving as a team!

4. Do.

We love seeing businesses around Nashville offering to hire workers displaced by the tornado. Many lost their jobs and reliable paychecks this week. If you're in a position to hire and help, please do! Offering your personal services is another great way to get involved. If you're a restaurant, offer free meals like our friends at Honeyfire BBQ are doing with Operation BBQ Relief. Do you have a clothing company? Offer a shirt where 100% of the proceeds go to a relief fund like our friends at Project 615! Each of us have a unique way that we can serve, what is yours?

5. Share.

And finally, simply share. Share the photos, share the stories, share the opportunities to give and serve. It could be in an email to clients or your team, it could also be simply reposting Instagram stories with helpful information. Spread the word and keep service at the forefront so the help continues to pour in! #NashvilleStrong

Nashville, you are so strong and it is an honor to be a part of this community. Watching our people use their resources and creativity to give so selflessly is inspiring. We will heal and we will move forward even more beautiful than before. Please consider giving, donating, or serving as we begin to rebuild this incredible city.

We love you all!


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