015. Overcoming the Unexpected with Teresa White


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It’s a new month and something about that little transition always makes me feel refreshed and ready to go! But with summer starting up, I know I’ve had a tendency in the past to lay off the gas pedal and just enjoy the season. While it’s great to be intentional with rest, I don’t want to lose too much momentum this year and that’s how I know I need some accountability to keep me in check.

My guest this week has been a huge voice in my life when it comes to business and relationships. She was someone who inspired me to quit my 9 to 5 and start Copperheart Creative years ago, and to this day she continues to keep me accountable and encourage me along my entrepreneurial journey. I’m so excited to share my good friend and client, Teresa White!

Teresa is a business coach and mentor for service-based entrepreneurs. She’s passionate about helping women entrepreneurs use their God-given talents to start and grow a thriving business and I can’t wait for you to hear from her today!

On this episode, Teresa shares her story of becoming a business owner and what led her to coaching female entrepreneurs. We discuss the power of pivoting and why it’s so important to keep an open mind and open hands when it comes to your business path. Teresa tells us her story of battling breast cancer and how it shaped her mindset and personal passions moving forward. We talk about what to do with those unexpected detours and what it looks like to reframe and rebuild.

Teresa is such a powerful example of how community can impact your business success. Her story is inspiring and her attitude towards life always motivates me to press on and move forward. I loved our interview, and I can’t wait for you to hear how her passion encourages you!


Meet Teresa.

Teresa is a business coach and mentor for service-based entrepreneurs.  She is an award winning sales and business development professional with over 20 years of collective business experience that includes small business management, starting an e-commerce business that hit 6 figures in revenue the first year in business. She also has experience in a sales and operations career working directly with small business owners, CEOs, and entrepreneurs.

Teresa is passionate about helping women entrepreneurs use their God-given talents to start and grow a thriving business that stays true to their values and aligns with their goals so they can live the life they want to live. She helps her clients gain the clarity they need to move their business to the next level.

When she’s not working with her amazing clients or strategizing with her business besties, you’ll find Teresa on some adventure with her husband or playing with her granddaughters. She lives right outside of Nashville, TN and is a native Tennessean with a true southern accent!

Someday is not a day of the week. Just start!
— Teresa White

The heart behind her business.

Teresa’s heart for her business is evident throughout our conversation. She eats, sleeps, and breathes entrepreneurship! Her passion is to help female business owners discover their core values and ideal lifestyle as she aligns every action step to achieve those goals.

When working with clients or in her group coaching programs, Teresa always leads with empathy and a positive mindset. Her experience with overcoming a breast cancer diagnosis lends beautifully to the work, giving her the unique ability to connect with every client’s fears or limiting beliefs.

Teresa's heart is to leave a deep impact in every person she encounters, and she does this with passionate service and unwavering commitment.


When the unexpected arrives.

When Teresa was given her breast cancer diagnosis, she knew it would change everything. Now that she’s 5 years cancer-free, she’s confirmed it has. Because of the unexpected life detour, she was able to learn and grow from that experience. She says, “You have to be able to pivot. If you can’t bend, you’re going to break in half.” The power of the pivot is so important no matter where you are in your business journey. Holding things loosely and staying flexible about the path you’re on will only serve you in the long run.

“That detour may be keeping us from our destination,” says Teresa, “But the detour is there to protect us, not to hinder us. Detours teach us a lesson we need that we may apply years later.” So if you’re in a pivoting place, acknowledge it and move forward. You never know what’s waiting for you on the other side!

You attract what you are.

When it comes to business success, Teresa makes it clear that community is everything. “Find the right community,” she says. “Know that people are in your life for a season, so make sure you have peers that are on the same level and some that are a few rungs up ahead of you.” Mentorship is also key, as well as finding coaches that will be in your corner and really give you that accountability week to week.

It’s important to define core values for you, but also for your community. “If you know what your core values are and define them for yourself, then you’re going to attract people that are as like-minded as you are,” says Teresa

Best Advice to your younger self.

“Find someone who believes in you and will support you. Someone that you can share your big scary dream with and holds you accountable for the action steps you need to take. It could be a business bestie or mentor. It may mean hiring a coach. But you need to find someone that believes in your goals.”

If you help enough people get what they want, you’ll get what you want.
— Teresa White

Connect with Teresa.

So how does Teresa balance her life and stay motivated in her business? How did she overcome her cancer diagnosis and use it to help others? I know you’re going to learn so much from this beautiful coach this week! Press play to listen to the full interview and hear more about overcoming the unexpected with Teresa White!

Connect and check out the links mentioned in the episode below!


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016. Adapting Your Way To Success with Julie Becker


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