016. Adapting Your Way To Success with Julie Becker

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I feel like one of the hardest lessons to learn as an entrepreneur is the art of adapting. When we fail in a big way or misstep as a business owner, the temptation is to give up, let it go, and move on. It’s easy to think those big scary dreams just aren’t worth the change that has to happen in order to achieve them. It feels like a lot of work, and in some cases, totally hopeless. Instead of adapting little by little and staying flexible, we get rigid or overwhelmed. When all we really need is to loosen up and simplify the process.

Today’s guest is an expert when it comes to shifting and adapting, and her story is such an example of how success is finding joy in the process, not the destination. Julie Becker is a certified business coach with years of experience in the healthcare industry. She’s worked with countless people to define their goals and simplify their strategies. I just love her energy and heart, and it felt like every time she spoke during this interview I was reaching for my notes. 

Today Julie shares her story of working her way through the healthcare world and the natural shift into coaching. We discuss why learning to adapt is so difficult for entrepreneurs and how little changes make a huge difference down the road. Julie shares her strategies for simplifying your approach to your business and why it’s important to be open-handed with your passions. We chat about alignment and how self-awareness is key to success. And be sure to stick around for her final bit of advice, because it may be the exact push you need today! 

I loved every second of this conversation and was blown away by Julie’s wisdom and encouragement. This episode is jam-packed with nuggets, so be sure you have your notes handy! I’m so grateful to Julie for showing up with so much passion, and I know there’s something in this interview that will transform your business.


Meet Julie.

Julie recognized early in life that her true passion was in helping others. This first materialized professionally when she became a nurse and cared for people one patient at a time. Perseverance led to additional achievements including an MBA, a doctorate degree in business and leadership and finally becoming a certified coach. Her career includes serving as a healthcare leader for over 20 years. Finding her own personal and professional success was not an easy path. She experienced unexpected chronic health issues, job eliminations, financial losses, and unhealthy relationships.

Julie found purpose in her challenges by identifying opportunities to find happiness and success regardless of the circumstances. Almost intuitively, she began helping others develop a new mindset utilizing her personally developed approach that worked so well for her. Over the years, she has fine-tuned a process that can be tailored to the individual needs of her clients. Julie's experience and knowledge are transformed into powerful coaching sessions, filled with insight, wisdom, and guidance as she helps you build the life you desire and deserve.

If you spend too many days asking yourself, “What am I doing”, you have to make a change.
— Julie Becker

The heart behind her business.

Whether it’s assisting someone in the healthcare industry or popping on for a coaching call, Julie’s heart has always been to help. From a young age, she knew that helping others gave her energy and fueled her passions. So it was no surprise that her business trajectory has followed the path she’s experienced.

When it comes to her coaching business, Julie finds purpose in helping you identify opportunities and define the life you really want to live. Her goal in everything she does is to simplify the process and offer easy steps towards greater goals. Throughout this interview, Julie shares the impact of simplifying your business and how that little shift can transform everything.

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Today’s ceiling is tomorrow’s floor.

Julie’s wisdom really narrows down to a few keywords: adapt and simplify. “Simplicity matters!” says Julie. “You need a big long plan. Ask yourself how you want your business to look and feel. From there, break down the steps to reach that goal into key timelines until you’re at the point you are now. Think through what can you can do this month, next month, by the end of the year.”

Keep those key timelines fluid and don’t hold things too tightly. Give yourself lots of grace and just focus on taking small steps each day. Just keep it simple and work toward the next right thing. The progress will come.!

It’s never too late.

One of my favorite parts of this interview was hearing Julie’s thoughts on adapting and shifting. Her personal career has experienced many shifts over the years, and even now she’s remaining flexible with what she wants and how she sees her life moving forward.

“It’s never too late to shift,” says Julie. “I’m open-handed with my passions and I know that pursuing one doesn’t take away from another. They’re all building on each other.” This is such a freeing framing! At the end of the day, it’s the joy of the work that keeps us going. So tap into the things that make you passionate. Center your goals and life choices around those things, and infuse your world with more joy! It’s never too late to learn something or try something new!

Best Advice to your younger self.

“Tune into who you are. Don’t forget who’ve you’ve always wanted to be. It’s never too late to find that person again. That piece that put away and thought “I’ll never do that” is important! It’s never too late. Figure out what you can do today and tomorrow, one step at a time, to get closer to what you want in your life. Choose what you know will make you truly joyous and happy.”

I’ve learned over time that faith in myself is really the most important thing.
— Julie Becker

Connect with Julie.

So how does Julie adapt when her business changes or grows? How does she simplify her processes and help clients overcome their fear? I know you’re going to learn so much from this amazing coach this week! Press play to listen to the full interview and hear more about adapting your way to success with Julie Becker!

Connect and check out the links mentioned in the episode below!


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