Knowing When To Take the Leap — My Journey to Podcasting


Raise your hand if someone you know has recently looked at you and shouted, “You should start a podcast!”

As business owners in 2021, podcasting has become the next natural step. We are constantly connecting with people. From clients, to wholesalers — contractors to team members — we’re always meeting, networking, and sharing stories.

When it came to starting my own podcast, Small Business Big Heart, I knew the fears and questions well. Would anyone listen? Isn’t the market oversaturated? Will I make a fool of myself? Is what I’m offering even interesting?

Will I fail?

With lots of support surrounding me and an idea I just couldn’t shake, I took the baby steps toward starting my very own podcast. We had so many incredible clients with powerful stories of business ownership, and I knew that they would impact other entrepreneurs. It took a village and a lot of faith to get us to that release date, but it was so worth it!

Do you have a dream in your heart or a goal you just need permission to pursue? Are you ready to build something great but aren’t sure if the timing is right? Are you struggling with fear or imposter syndrome? Let this little post be your guide!

Here are the three ways I knew it was not only the right time to start the Small Business Big Heart podcast, but it was the next right thing as well.

1 - I shifted my focus.

In order to get things moving, I had to get over the fears of hearing myself, saying something dumb, and the big one — fear of failure. After a lot of processing, I finally realized that I was more focused on what could go wrong vs. what could go right! Maybe you can relate? I started to see how the podcast aligned with my business goals and how we could use it to strategically market our clients, too. What a game-changer! This created an even bigger value-based merit for new clientele to partner with us. It just made sense.

Look at your fear and start asking it honest questions. What’s really the worst that could happen if you execute your big idea? Would you survive that thing? Now look at what could be the BEST thing that could happen. How would that transform your business or your life?

2 - It aligned with my business goals.

In 2020, the world slowed down and gave us a chance to look back and really evaluate our goals. Want to know a secret? In 2018, I set a goal to start a podcast! The trouble was, I tried to force myself into the mold of educational podcasts and it felt so forced. In the end, I lost the passion and it didn’t happen.

Fast forward to 2020 — I had the time to listen to other podcast styles and realized that I don’t have to do all the talking! It aligned perfectly with our process at Copperheart and how we connect. When we meet with clients, we don’t talk at them. We listen, we share the experience with them. We pull out the heart behind their business in a kind and enthusiastic way. So when I began dreaming again of a podcast, this format felt organic. Again, it made sense.

3 - My heart was ready.

This is a big one! Throughout my time with Copperheart, I’d met so many incredible clients. Each and every one trusted us with their branding, and I knew this podcast would give them a chance to share their story with the world. We were invested, not for us, but for them. Their stories needed to be told, and I because of how I’d positioned myself and my business, the podcast was the perfect space for that connection. My heart was ready, their voices were willing, and once again, it made sense.

You have an opportunity to do something that not only grows and challenges you, but impacts everyone in your circle and beyond. Your voice matters, and your dreams were placed in your heart for a reason. If you have that goal in mind as you read this, let this be a sign to take a step. It may mean speaking that dream out loud to a trusted friend. It could be building a website or partnering with Copperheart to develop that brand! We’re here for all of it, and would love to share your story, too! Have questions or just want to connect with us? Reach out here!