007. Finding Your Confidence with Shay Haddow


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Do you remember that one teacher or coach growing up that just absolutely shaped your life in a positive way? The one that poured into you, made you feel safe and seen, and built your confidence? Well get ready because my guest this week is going to give you an even deeper appreciation for those voices in your life.

I am so excited to introduce you to my friend, Shay Haddow! Shay is the founder of Alpha Girl Soccer Academy, host of the Alpha Girl Soccer Podcast, and Author of the best-selling book “She the Confident."

When I met Shay and heard her story through the branding process, I knew I had to get her on the podcast. This girl eats, sleeps, and breathes confidence strategy and mindset, and I know you're going to be so inspired by her work and her words!

On today's episode we discuss Shay's work with young, female athletes, when she discovered the deeper why behind her coaching, and how that launched her into the booming business she's experiencing today. She shares how she's learning to overcome her personal fear of failure and why starting before you’re ready is the secret to success. We chat about how she breaks free of comfort zones and how overthinking holds us back.

I left this conversation feeling so encouraged and excited about what's coming next for me and my business, so I can't wait to see what this does for you and your confidence as well!


Meet Shay.

Shay is an expert coach and speaker focusing on confidence and mindset for female athletes. Having worked with hundreds of youth female athletes and college teams from across the country, she’s empowers girls from all walks of life to strengthen their self-belief, and to play and live confidently.

As the founder of Alpha Girl Soccer Academy, host of the Alpha Girl Soccer Podcast, and Author of the best-selling book “She the Confident,” Shay is widely regarded for her insights on confidence and mindset by soccer parents and coaches around the country.
After overcoming her own struggles of self-doubt and lack of confidence, she knew that it was her life’s calling to provide female athletes with the coaching that she wished she had.

Shay is dedicating her life to teaching female athletes how to uncover their greatest superpower of all, allowing them to break free from their limitations and achieve their biggest dreams.

It’s ok to care what other people think about you as long as you care more what you think about yourself.
— Shay Haddow

The heart behind her business.

When Shay started her private soccer coaching business, she realized that while her young athletes were making great strides physically, mentally there were some barriers to their performance. She knew that a lack of confidence or belief could destroy any athletic aspiration, so she went to work creating a program that focused on building confidence and improving the mental game for her players.

Shay’s heart for young athletes is evident throughout this interview, and her path to success is paved with so much intention. From her podcast, to her group programs, to her new book — Shay has found a way to instill a little bit of confidence in every person she’s touches with her work.

Start before you are ready.

When it comes to building a new business, creating a fresh platform, or designing a product — we all fear that final launch. When Shay was working towards writing her book, she sought out the advice of a guru she respected. He told her she wasn’t ready and needed more time and refining in her business, but she knew she had something to say and needed to get the message out there for her girls.

Shay decided to write it anyway, to start before she was “ready.” And it paid off. That little step towards overcoming her fear led to a successful book launch and a growing podcast. She knew that done was better than perfect, and it’s paid off big in her business.

Mentorship matters.

Shay’s entire career connects through a thread of mentorship. From personal to business, she seeks out mentors for each area of her life that require a bit of confidence or wisdom.

“Don’t wait to hire a mentor,” says Shay. “It’s your quickest route to success. Mentors are like shortcuts.” Having a strong mentor in your life to ask the hard questions, challenge your comfort zone, and lift you up through the process is key to success. There are plenty of ways to find a mentor, but the sure way is simply to ask. Hiring a mentor may feel like a big expense, but it’s the most valuable piece to your mental health and business stamina.

Best Advice to your younger self.

Step out of any and every comfort zone! The key to success is in the discomfort. You should always be reaching for things that make you nervous. It’s also important to get feedback quickly when you begin or feel ready to launch. If the feedback is a “yes, go for it", then don’t wait for it to be perfect. Just putting it out there will build your confidence and move you into the next season of your business goals.

If you’re in the comfort zone too long, you won’t grow. Always be seeking discomfort.
— Shay Haddow

Connect with Shay.

So how does Shay keep her confidence up and overcome her fear of failure? How did she find her mentor and learn to surround herself with the right voices? I know you’re going to learn so much from this powerhouse coach this week! Press play to listen to the full interview and hear more about finding your confidence with Shay Haddow!

Connect and check out the links mentioned in the episode below!

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Knowing When To Take the Leap — My Journey to Podcasting


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