Journaling May Be Your Secret Weapon To Success


If I could suggest one practice to add to your routine in 2022, it would be journaling. Taking time each morning to journal has been one of the most impactful elements of my business, which to be honest was unexpected! I began journaling as a personal practice to process my life and current events. I figured it would help get things out of my head and onto paper, and pretty soon I began to notice that my head was full of ideas for my business.

From fresh strategies to planning out difficult conversations, journaling helped me wrap my heart around my business. It helped me focus and plan ahead. It revealed a few weaknesses that needed attention and helped me celebrate wins in an intentional way.

I realized that level of daily consideration boosted my passion for projects and clarified how and when I needed to fill my cup.

So what are some other benefits to a regular journaling practice? How can it transform your business? Here are three of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from my business journaling:

  1. It reconnects me to my why.

When I give myself the space and time to process through journaling, I almost always leave with a renewed passion for the heart behind my business. It just helps me see the bigger picture and stay aligned with my values and desires. Journaling leads me back to what’s important in my work and life and helps me clarify my mission. If you’re in a season of disconnect in your business, I couldn’t recommend journaling more to get you back to your WHY.

2. It unpacks my limiting beliefs.

One of the biggest benefits of journaling is how it blooms self-awareness. When I’m processing through a difficult time in business or worried about a specific meeting or event, journaling helps me get to the root of that fear. I’m able to clearly see what it is that is holding me back and then create an action plan to move forward. Because I’m regularly unpacking those limiting beliefs and fears, I’m able to be a stronger, more self-aware business owner.

3. It makes me a better team member.

Journaling is a great place to work through hard conversations, big decisions, and relational conflicts. It’s a safe place to air out all the emotions and create a game plan for managing the situation. Journaling makes me a better leader and team member every single time because I’ve learned how to respond vs. react. I make better decisions, I lead with more heart, and I learn how to honor my team and clients in a more intentional way.

I’d love to hear about your journaling practice! Do you have one? Have you ever considered journaling for your business? Take just five minutes a day and process through a situation within your business and see what comes up for you. Watch how that little moment of intention changes everything and transforms the way you approach your business. It may just be the secret weapon to your success in 2022!