How To Get The Most Out Of Podcasts


When it comes to business ownership, podcasts have become somewhat of a secret weapon. From simple tips and tricks to dynamic interviews with leading experts, industry-specific education has never been more available!

Podcasts have invited a new wave of accessibility to brilliant business owners and untouchable celebrities, and this advancement is not going anywhere anytime soon. If you’re a small business owner, now is the time to take advantage of this form of education offered to you as you continue to grow within your industry!

Whether you’re curious about taxes, marketing, social media do’s and don’ts, team-building (the list goes on!), all you need is a pair of headphones and a walk around the block. Podcasts are an incredible tool, and taking advantage of the education available can really enhance or even completely shift your business success!

We all take in information differently, and while some are auditory learners, there are those of us who may grasp concepts better through visual mediums. If podcasts tend to go in one ear and out the other, or if you struggle to retain the info, you’re not alone!

Let’s talk about a few ways to get the MOST out of listening to podcasts!

1. Pick the right time & place.

It’s so important to note the when, where and how you listen to a podcast episode. Are you in the right headspace to truly take in the information? Are you distracted by work or other activities that could take you out of the episode or miss key information? Do you have enough time to finish an entire episode?

We suggest listening to a podcast during your daily walking breaks or when you’re completing a simple chore, like folding laundry or prepping a meal. Physical exercise is also great to pair with a podcast because it turns your brain on and you’re in a highly motivated state. So try popping on an episode at the gym or when you’re out for a run around the neighborhood!

2. Play episodes on repeat.

If a specific episode hit home or gave you that “aha” moment you’ve been praying for, don’t just move on! Take time to listen to key episodes again and again. This is also a great tactic for inspirational podcast episodes. If you feel driven, motivated, or just SEEN while listening, be sure to mark that episode and come back to it whenever you need a hit of inspiration!

Repetition is also the key to retainment. So taking time to listen to a specific section, quote, or full episode will ensure you not only hear the info but put it to heart!

3. Take lots of notes.

Taking notes is another trick of the trade when it comes to retaining information. Think about it! You rarely go to a full conference or big meeting without a notebook handy. If you take a webinar or course, you’re quick to jot down any key info as you listen and learn. The same practice should apply to podcasts!

If you’re out for a walk and a quote really hits you, take a moment to stop and jot it down on your phone. If you’re listening on a drive, tell Siri to make notes for you as you go. Taking notes will keep your mind active and engaged, as it begins to intentionally pick out information that will move you toward success.

4. Utilize the show notes.

Every podcast takes the time to provide you with show notes on whatever app you choose or via their website. For some podcasts, this may not apply, but for most this is a really important place to find extra information and additional resources.

If you loved a guest and want to learn more from them specifically, the show notes will often include how to find them online or direct you to their socials. Digging deeper into an episode that catches your ear and inspiration will not only help you continue to retain but also may reveal a passion you didn’t know you had within you!

Podcasts are such an amazing tool for every new business owner, and finding time each day to invest in listening and learning is key to any form of success. You have every tool you need to succeed, and the generous voices who offer their expertise through podcasts are such pivotal guides. Take advantage of this tool and watch how your business transforms the more you learn and seek out daily motivation!


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