3 Ways to Unplug as a Business Owner


As we enter Election Day, it feels apt to discuss a few ways we as business owners can successfully unplug. In today’s climate, it's easy to feel distracted, anxious, or unfocused. We understand and are right there with you! However, in order to really keep your peace of mind, work efficiently and effectively, and maintain healthy habits — some form of the “great unplug” has to become a priority.

So what do we mean by “unplug”? We all know how hyperconnected the world has become, and if we’re honest, we can all admit how impossible it seems to step away from our phones. Our relationship to our phones, email, or even Slack community is worth some analysis every now and then to ensure you’re not being overtaken by to-dos or quick catch-ups.

If you feel the need to scroll your email every few minutes or don’t truly believe your team can perform without an hourly check-in, it’s time to reevaluate your heart and your systems.

So let’s talk about a few creative ways to unplug and unwind to save your mental health and keep you from business burn-out.

1. Keep your phone out of the bedroom.

This is one of the most difficult habits to break, but it’s also one of the most effective strategies for mental health in business! Studies show that staring at a device before bed not only greatly increases your anxiety, but also harms your overall sleep quality.

Our suggestion? Get yourself a slow waking alarm clock and keep your phone out of the bedroom at night. Create a bedroom routine that takes you out of your business and into a safe, relaxing environment. Instead of swiping before sleep, try some deep stretches or read a novel. Find whatever it is that gets you in sleep mode and watch how the lack of a phone transforms your rest!

2. Schedule your email time.

We all know the feeling of being completely overtaken by emails. We wake up to them, we all asleep to them, and if we’re not careful, they’ll run our entire day. Our advice is to set specific times to check your email to cut down on screen time and keep an efficient workflow.

Make a commitment to only check it in the morning and maybe the late afternoon. Let your team or clients know that after work hours, you have a hard cut off when it comes to an email response. By creating that expectation, you’re setting yourself and your team up for more productive communication in the end.

3. Give yourself a tech curfew.

Sometimes a solid unplug requires a more drastic strategy. If you’re feeling truly addicted, try creating a tech curfew each day and on weekends. Commit to turning off your phone at a certain time each evening, or simply remove notifications from your phone so you control when you check-in. Weekends are for relaxation, family time, and personal growth. Work will be there when you arrive Monday, but try to create boundaries and give your team the same permission.

Unplugging as a business owner can feel scary, but we believe by choosing to set boundaries, your team will not only survive but thrive. You know what works for you and your business, so create an unplugging schedule that really helps you maintain a healthy work-life balance. You can do this!


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