4 Keys to a Dynamic Online Presence


Across the country, we’re celebrating as businesses begin the process of re-opening. We’re stepping back into routines. We’re making bold moves and taking risks. We’re dreaming again!

We’ve noticed that one of the positive outcomes in this season of sheltering is the amount of inspiration hitting entrepreneurs across the world. New and exciting business ideas are finding their way to the surface, and we are here to support you!

When dreaming up a new business venture, there are a few key components necessary to starting strong. Often times budding businesses follow the excitement of opening instead of taking the time to ensure each component is in place. But the fact remains that each of these upholds the other. They’re an intricate support system that puts your best foot forward as you cross that finish line. So let’s talk about these components!

There are four things to keep in mind as you start your business, and guess what? They’re all connected under one banner — ONLINE PRESENCE.

In our world today, a company’s online presence is the make or break. It’s what sets you apart, keeps you afloat, and connects you to your community. So how can you ensure your online presence is making, not breaking your business?

Here are the four key components to creating a dynamic online presence and starting your business out STRONG:

1. Impactful website

Let’s begin with the obvious! We all know a well-done website is a foundation for an online presence that impacts. But how often do we hop on sites only to find they’re impossible to navigate or difficult to understand? When it comes to a website, clarity is KEY.

Is your search bar readily accessible? Are your fonts easy to read? Is the layout clean? Is there a clear call to action? Does your website reflect the heart behind your brand and share your story in creative ways?

It really all comes down to simplicity and usability. At the end of the day, if your online presence is cluttered or difficult to navigate, it will reflect in the loyalty of customers or clients. Clean it up, keep it simple, clarify your message, and if you can — consider contracting this work to an expert. It will save you one too many headaches and give you a bit of peace.

2. Effective photography

While you’re considering your website, one of the more important ways to make a BIG impact is through photography. But you’d be surprised how often businesses get this wrong. When it comes to photos, the goal is always brand recognition. it’s important to consider your branding on every platform and any collateral you utilize.

Does the photo match your aesthetic? When someone scrolls a feed or visits your website, do they automatically recognize the business because of the imagery you chose?

Branded photoshoots or graphics are so important, especially in a time when attention is so limited. Don’t just throw images onto your platform with little consideration, but instead think through the effectiveness of the choice.

Will this image impact? Will it showcase something positive, productive, or inspire a call to action? Will this image communicate who we are as a company clearly and effectively? All things to consider when choosing photography for each aspect of your business!

3. Positive engagement

Connection is key to a strong business and dynamic online presence. Finding fresh ways to connect through your website and platforms should not simply be considered, but prioritized.

Are you engaging in positive ways through your business socials? Are you asking questions? Commenting? Sending messages and dialoguing with your audience?

Not only is this a great way to gain some customer loyalty, but it’s also a fantastic way to gain information. Any changes can be evaluated live. Responses to issues or rave reviews are offered on the spot. There’s no longer any question as to what your audience thinks, you have access to that information at any time if you’ve developed RELATIONSHIP.

True connection gives your customers a sense of ownership, a voice if you will. Regular and intentional engagement communicates your care, and that will always reap positive rewards.

4. Solid brand voice

The final component to consider when setting up a strong online presence is voice. When it comes to copy and caption, what does your business sound like? How do you choose to communicate? What strategies do you put in place to ensure it’s the same across every platform you engage?

Your website, socials, collateral all should be in sync when it comes to how you communicate your message. Is your business more casual in the way you show up online? Are you professional? How do you engage with current events? What does your audience respond to and how do they communicate within your industry?

Taking time to hone your voice and make sure, as your photography, it’s recognizable will continue to ensure that loyalty. So maybe it’s time to narrow down your message, to be a bit more intentional about the phrasing you use or the way you engage with your customers.

Just consider what you want to be known for, and go from there! Is my business here to inform and be a credible voice? Is my business known for its humor and wit? Is my audience best served by a soft tone or encouraging word? Consider what needs to change and always feel free to readjust as you begin to evolve into who you are as a business.

When it comes to online presence, solidifying each of these components creates a strong foundation for your new business. Once you have these in line, you can move forward with full confidence that you’re prepared for the big decisions to come because the basics are covered.

If you’re a new business or if you’re in the process of re-evaluating all of the above (which we highly suggest!), we’d love to chat with you about how we can help. Our team’s goal is to help you build a brand a business that reflects your heart, and helping you create these key components is part of that process! Let’s set up a time to connect and discuss how we start you strong! 


Where To Focus When Building a New Business (1/3)


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