3 Tips to Build A Better Community Around You


I recently read the phrase "your vibe attracts your tribe" in a Dove Chocolate wrapper. #nojudgment While it's a great idea for community building, I've found it runs true in business as well!

The people you do business with, the customer relationships, they make ALL the difference in your experience as a brand. And the better you know yourself, or WHO you are, the better you can attract the right team and clientele!

Here are 3 ways to get the ball rolling ensure your vibe attracts the right tribe:

1. Do the work!

If you don't know WHO you are as a business owner or what your company is about, then it will be nearly impossible to build the kind of community you long for. Take time to do the work! Be sure you know your heart, mission and values before you start sharing, shouting and networking.

2. Shout it out!

Once you know who you are as a brand, it's time to shout it from the rooftops! To attract the team of your dreams, make sure your values and mission are visible on your website. Your customers will ultimately connect with the WHY behind your business, so take time to find intentional ways of sharing that heart anywhere and everywhere!

3. Live it out!

At the end of the day, authenticity rules. If you're not connecting, if your team seems a bit off on vision, it may be because you're not living out the values you claim. Be REAL, share your true heart both online and in-person. Open up, be visible, allow your team and your customers to see you practice all that you preach!

Attracting the right team and the loyal customer base is the dream for every new entrepreneur, and yet it so often feels like most difficult part of the job. But with a few key elements like the ones above, we know you'll find your tribe! We'd love to hear how YOU are doing the work, shouting it out, and living out the heart of your business!
