Working from a Calendar, NOT a To-Do List


As a business owner, you have your head in a variety of spaces each day. One minute you may be working on email management, the next minute you’re handling a customer service issue, and the next could be consumed with a client call.

We’re master jugglers, and finding ways to stay productive and manage our time efficiently is always an uphill climb. But there is hope! One of the best ways I’ve learned to manage my time in a powerful way is by shifting from to-do lists to calendar planning.

What does this mean exactly? If you’re like me, you’ve survived thus far on a long list of to-do’s you love to scratch off throughout your day. While these to-dos are important and the to-do mindset is an effective way to bust out tasks, it’s not necessarily the most logical. How many times a week do you find yourself disappointed at the end of a workday wondering where the time went? This is almost always because of the realities of to-do list management.

The problem is, when we make to-do lists, we often don’t allow for how long each task will take. This means we come up short every single time and stay in a frustrating headspace. This isn’t good for you or your team. By shifting into working from a calendar, you realistically plan your time and productivity.

Once you’ve made that list ahead of time, simply plug those tasks into your calendar so you have an accurate look at what you can actually accomplish the next day.

Here’s a look at how I personally utilize my calendar vs. a to-do list:

  • I typically try to block off my business calendar by days (admins, podcast, creative, meetings/calls) and location to fit specific needs. For example, one day is just for admin, the next may be strictly podcast or creative meetings. I keep things separate and zoned so it’s more productive for me in the long run.

  • I work in my zone of brilliance! I make sure that big picture tasks are always assigned to me, personally, and delegate the smaller details as much as possible. I know what times of day I work most effectively and ensure no meetings or distractions are scheduled during that time.

  • I always plan for rest and routine in my schedule. My mornings are sacred, so I do my best never to book anything that will take me out of that routine.

  • After my week, I go back and adjust the calendar to reflect the time each task ACTUALLY took. This helps me move forward into the next week informed and prepared with my time!

  • I then set up my apps — Calendly, Asana, etc. — to reflect my calendar. I make sure to color code it all. This is the fun part! I typically block off projects and revenue in green, yellow for business calls, blue for in-person meetings, purple for my morning routine, and lavender for family and personal time.

  • I always give myself time limits in my calendar so my team and I both know the boundaries within the week. I also set a timer to put a fire under my butt for each task throughout the workday.

  • After a kick-off meeting or a call with a client, I block off 1-2 hours to knock out my portion of our team’s deliverables. Since I’m already inspired and excited and it’s on my mind, I know this strategy works best for me! It also gets my team rolling and excited!

That’s just a peek into my work schedule and how I prioritize my calendar and time Listen, no one can do this for you. It’s on YOU to control your calendar instead of letting it control you. Find what works best for you and communicate with your team. Encourage them to find their zones of brilliance as well, and watch your productivity skyrocket! You’ve got this!