005. Why Starting Small Produces Big Success with Alena Vaughn


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Hey guys, I'm so excited to be back with you this week, and I gotta say, today's episode is packed with some yummy goodness!

If you're a new business owner or are in the processing of dreaming and scheming that business idea, you know how easy it is to fall into shiny object syndrome. Whether it's the top-rated podcast mic (ehem, guilty), the overly expensive build-out, or the wide range vs. one quality product -- we've all been seduced by building BIG instead of starting small.

Today's guest, Alena Vaughn, is such a great example of finding contentment in the slow roll and growing your business wisely. As a professional pastry chef, Alena spent years paying her dues. From working at the Ritz Carlton to opening her humble, home-based bakery, she took her time growing her skill and learning her industry. In 2018, her dream finally came to fruition, and she opened the beautiful (and wildly successful) Triple Crown Bakery right here in Franklin, TN.

I met Alena at a county fair, and after trying her incredible treats, I took a leap of faith and asked if she needed help with her branding and website and here we ARE!

Today we'll hear Alena's start-up story, and how she learned that small steps lead to giant leaps. We discuss the power behind small business to small business relationships and how building that little community is so key to our mental health. We talk about Alena's secret to stability and contentment and how she's released worry from her business mindset.

As I said, this episode is packed with goodies and little tips that just blew me away. Alena gives us all permission to take a deep breath and just trust the process. And the way she celebrates starting small is the reminder we all need to hear right now! I know you're going to just love Alena’s heart, and am so honored to share her with you this week!

Meet Alena.

Triple Crown Bakery is owned by Pastry Chef, Alena Vaughn, a Southern California native. After graduating from The California Culinary Academy (now Le Cordon Bleu) in San Francisco, she began her career cooking at the Ritz Carlton and then baking at Zov’s Bistro & Bakery.

She relocated every few years with her husband, a Marine, for 22 years. Due to the flexibility needed as a Military family, Alena was able to accomplish her goals of owning a bakery by running a successful home-based bakery everywhere she lived!
Alena and her family have now established roots in Franklin, TN, and Triple Crown Bakery is born.

Start small! Don’t bite off more than you can chew when you start your business.
— Alena Vaughn

The heart behind her business.

When Alena started Triple Crown Bakery, she wanted to create beautiful treats that paired with beautiful memories. From the moment you open the door to her shop, you’re greeted with an enthusiastic, “hello!”, from the staff and Alena says this is intentional. She wants every person who walks in her bakery to feel welcomed, celebrated and delighted.

This is evident in every aspect of her work. From the culture, she’s created amongst her team, to the warm decor and homey pastries — not a detail is missed or a moment wasted.

The power of releasing expectations.

“The second you think you have it all figured it out is the second it goes another way,” says Alena. She realized pretty quickly that worrying about what will or won’t come was a waste of her time, and she actively chooses contentment every day. When asked about her business vision or future goals, she was refreshingly loose. She is holding tightly to nothing, letting her business flourish naturally and at the pace it chooses. It was so inspiring to hear her release the hustle and embrace the peace.

Alena is passionate about her work, which is evident throughout our chat, but she doesn’t allow herself to overthink or overextend anymore. She’s learned the value of slow and steady, always operating in a headspace of peace and acceptance. It’s taken years to come to this place, but it is worth the effort to find this level of fulfillment.

Talking turnover.

Over the years, Alena has had minimal, if any, turnover when it comes to her employees. This is a RARE gift. Alena’s leadership style is a balance of healthy boundaries and logical expectations. She believes that as an employer, her role is to always have her team’s back. Like everything in her business, she holds her employees loosely, believing in their skills and encouraging a trusting team culture. She’s accommodating, kind, and respectful of her team, and they pay her back in kind.

Best Advice to your younger self.

“Make sure your idea works FIRST before you invest fully. Start small and work towards your goal,” says Alena. As you build your business, try it out in small ways. Set up a booth at a farmers market. Stick to one great product vs. a full line. Take your time and remain steady and consistent, then watch where these little steps lead!

I’m done worrying because worry gets you nowhere.
— Alena Vaughn

Connect with Alena.

So how did Alena start small and build such a successful bakery business? How did she does keep her team and herself so happy and fulfilled? I know you’re going to get so much from this interview, and I can’t wait to hear what resonates! Press play to listen to the full interview and hear more about connecting to your calling with Alena Vaughn!

Connect with Alena and check out the links mentioned in the episode below!

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006. Keep What You Love, Delegate the Rest with Ben Sweat


004. Letting Passion Lead with Dana Maize