018. The Power of Listening with Joe & Michelle McClurg


We’re about to wrap up our very first season, and I am just so thankful for you and your support! As business owners, taking big risks is just par for the course in our day-to-day. We’re dreamers, and it’s so important to celebrate the wins and losses along the way. That’s what this podcast has been all about from the start, and it’s been so encouraging to hear your feedback and know that this big scary dream is impacting your heart just as much as it is mine.

Speaking of risk-taking and big scary dreams, this week’s episode is all about setting goals and seeing them realized no matter how long it takes. Joe and Michelle McClurg are a powerhouse couple and the brains and brawn behind Rooster Joe Coffee, a beautiful coffee shop in my hometown — Coldwater, Ohio! We had the opportunity to brand Rooster Joe before they began to build and they do a great job sharing how much that impacted their opening and success.

In today’s episode, Joe & Michelle tell their story of envisioning a coffee shop years ago in their twenties and why it’s never too late to start chasing a dream. We discuss the power of serving others and why listening to your customers is the most meaningful path to success. We talk about positive partnerships and how to encourage community collaboration within your business. They also share their secret to staying passionate in their business and how they avoid complacency.

I loved every second of connecting with this couple, and I’m so excited to share their hearts with you today! I think my biggest takeaway was the reminder to listen. Real success happens with you listen to your customer, your team, and your gut. I can’t to hear what you pull from this interview!


Meet Joe and Michelle, and the heart behind their business.

Joe and Michelle dreamed of owning a coffee shop years before they began their build. While traveling in their twenties, they would take notes in a leather book as they researched different coffee shops around the globe. They were told early on that this dream would never become a reality, but they continued to mark in that little notebook and kept the vision alive between the two.

Fast forward twenty years later and a building opened up near their home. The timing was right, the property was perfect, and the nay-sayers were no longer in sight. Rooster Joe was born out of years of research and planning, reminding us all it’s never too late to begin something new!

Joe and Michelle think of their business as a community effort. From the lettuce used in their top-notch salads to the loyalty cards, every part of their business is there to promote and build up the city supporting them. It’s almost a love letter to Coldwater, and that love is contagious! The community continues to rally around this shop and see it as a staple for coffee and connection.

If you really listen and consider the person you’re serving, you will always make the right decision.
— Michelle McClurg

Creating collaboration.

When it comes to collaboration, Joe and Michelle could write a book. Not only are they partners in marriage, but they’ve definitely found their groove in business partnership as well. They’ve continued to extend that partnership into their community through Rooster Joe, a practice that started early on in their work.

“We were supporting the community and other local business owners before we ever needed something from them,” says Joe. “I would much rather do business with my friend and neighbor than someone I don’t know. When you give joy, you get joy back. It all comes back to serving,” says Michelle. At the end of the day, this couple knows the impact of leading by serving. Leading from that heart will always create a more meaningful experience for you, the customer, and the community supporting you.

Branding before building.

Because they chose to brand before they began planning out their building, Joe and Michelle were able to curate a customer experience that not only felt authentic to them but encouraged some serious engagement. From their charming rooster logo to their color scheme and cups, customers love interacting with their brand through social media and purchasing products.

Because they started with a solid brand, Michelle was able to take that work to the contractor and curate an aesthetic that felt true to their goals and heart. The customers caught on quickly, and do most of their advertising for them because of those choices upfront. It’s just another reminder to know your customer and trust they’ll appreciate the experience and quality of the product. It’s all about listening!

Best Advice to your younger self.

“Go for it, put your whole heart into it,” says Joe. “Don’t let the little things get in the way. Just keep your eye on the big goal and go for it. Michelle’s advice, “If you have a partnership like we do and you can rely on each other, don’t let other people talk you out of that dream when you know you can accomplish it. If you have passion you can accomplish almost anything.”

As a business owner, you have to know what your limitations are and then be willing to find the right person to do the job you know you wont succeed at.
— Joe McClurg

Connect with Joe & Michelle.

So how do Joe and Michelle stay motivated and passionate in their business? How did branding before building truly impact the success of Rooster Joe? And what do they do to connect meaningfully with their community? I know you’re going to learn so much from this powerhouse couple this week! Press play to listen to the full interview and hear more about the power of listening with Joe and Michelle McClurg!

Connect and check out the links mentioned in the episode below!


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