The Effective Email Formula


When it comes to marketing, we all know the numbers show that email is a great connecting tool. From the outside looking in, it seems simple enough. Create a good subject line, throw in some quick copy, maybe a couple of images. Hit send, and voila! Email campaign complete!

Not so fast.

Did you know that in 2019 alone, 293.6 billion emails were sent and received each day based on a Statista study? And guess what? That stat is set to increase by another billion over the next two years!

Another 2019 study from DMA showed that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $42!

That being said, email marketing isn’t going anywhere and statistics tell us, if done right, it can be a lucrative part of your business strategy. So if you’re not already utilizing that inbox, you may want to give it a little attention this year.

So you’ve started your new business and you’re unsure how to develop an email strategy that attracts and sells. Let’s talk about four ways you can amp up your email marketing and set yourself up for success, or as we like to call it, our Effective Email Formula!

1. Your emails should be on brand.

We’ve talked a little about this when it comes to social media, but the basic principle applies here as well. Emails should reflect your branding. From subject line to sign off, every piece of the puzzle should add up to your specific aesthetic.

Why is this important? Because audience recognition is one of the most valuable tools we utilize in business. Think Nike, Coca-Cola, Lululemon! Each of these businesses has a specific brand that stands out, that captures it’s audience, and makes it absolutely clear who you’re supporting. You can see it in the subject line, you can feel it in their copy, and you can experience it in their visuals.

Branding goes so far beyond a logo, and these businesses are proof. If you’re looking for a fully branded experience but don’t know where to start, we’d love to chat with you about we can help you through that process!

2. Your emails should offer value.

How are you showing up for your audience in their inbox? Are you spamming them with constant updates that are just about you? Are you misleading with subject lines? Are you constantly asking for something instead of offering something?

It’s little mistakes like these that will keep the unsubscribes coming, but we still see emails like this all the time! When it comes to email marketing, we suggest reframing your purpose. Begin asking yourself, “How can I add value to their business or personal life?” vs. “What can I get out of them today?”

Once your beautiful branding is prepped and ready for release, why not add value by offering your customers a freebie? How about asking them for feedback and opinion vs. always giving your own? Read the room. Is there something going on in your industry that you are uniquely positioned to speak into? Is it something your audience would benefit from knowing or understanding?

Taking time to discover creative ways of offering value in every interaction will keep your audience clicking and the open rates soaring!

3. Your emails should be consistent.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to new business momentum is dropping the connection ball. Connection is KEY to a truly engaged audience, and email is a great way to encourage this!

We recommend, depending on your business, sending an email 2-4 times a month to stay in your audience inbox while maintaining a bit of social restraint. Again, this can alter depending on your specific industry, but I think we can all agree that an over-eager email campaign often leads to the unsubscribe button.

Figure out what consistency looks like to you, then find ways to keep that going. Set aside time each week to brainstorm and execute the emails, or batch create them at the beginning of each month! Delegate the email creation to a team member if you have that ability, or hire a contract copywriter to assist with the email copy.

Prioritizing email marketing is a proven strategy that WORKS. So consider moving it to the top of your list this week and developing strategies to make consistency the focus this month. We’d love to hear how this changes things for you and your business!

4. Your emails should be heartfelt.

Finally, but in our opinion, most importantly, your emails should be heartfelt. We’re all bombarded with hundreds of emails a week, so for one to stand out among the pack means heartstrings truly need to be involved. What does this look like for your business?

It could mean you include an inspiring story or call attention to a meaningful article. It could look like appreciation. It most often looks like authenticity. Your audience is smart, and in a world so crowded with messages, they can catch when vulnerability or authenticity is used for monetary gain. So be careful with your wording and your messaging. Make sure that if you’re sharing your heart, the purpose is connection.

Email marketing is so important in today’s business economy and digging deep into the ins and outs is an entire industry itself! These four basics will help you launch with confidence and lead your audience into a value-based relationship that lasts.

If you’re looking for more direction on email branding and heartfelt messaging, we’d love to chat with you! Let’s connect and create a brand (and email aesthetic!) that truly reflects your heart!