3 Ways to Fall Back In Love With Your Business


It’s a tale as old as time. You start your business with all the fervor and passion of new love. You pursue it. You talk about it endlessly. You dream about its future, its possibilities. You believe in it wholeheartedly and wake up every morning excited to see what the day brings.

But then something happens. You may have heard it described as “the dip”, but it’s the period in your business journey where you lose a bit of that mojo. Whether it’s burnout or boredom or you’ve hit a wall or plateaued in some way — it’s inevitable that you’ll fall out of love with your business at some point.

First and foremost, don’t get discouraged. It happens to every entrepreneur and yes, it’s seasonal. It will pass, but it takes some intention. If you’re looking to ignite that spark again this year, here are three ways to fall back in love with your business.

1. Start with gratitude.

The most meaningful way to fall in love with your business again is by acknowledging what you’re grateful for. It may seem simple, but getting intentional about this practice will radically impact your mindset moving forward.

Take some time to write out a list each morning or evening. Get specific and start making it a habit to seek out things that make you feel deep levels of gratitude. It’s like when you begin looking for a new car and you start seeing the one you want all over the road. If you’re actively seeking gratitude, you’ll find endless reasons to love your business.

If writing isn’t for you, start a voice note on your phone and speak about what you’re thankful for. Using your voice in this way will send even more concrete messaging to your brain that gratitude is a top priority this season.

2. Rework your goals.

One of the most obvious reasons we fall out of love with our businesses is a lack of purpose or passion. If we lose sight of our vision, it’s easy to get caught up in the mundane and task-oriented side of our brain vs. the inspired side. We’re so motivated at the start of our business but sometimes we lose touch with our goals or feel like we’re not achieving them quickly enough.

So what needs to happen?

Take a look at the goals you established for the year or the next five years. What needs to be reworked? Are you thinking too small? Do you need to set some goals that feel a bit more attainable this season? Can you dream even bigger? Are these goals igniting that spark inside of you or do you need to reevaluate?

Taking time to look back at your intentions for the year and reassessing them to fire up new passion will work wonders on your mindset.

3. Go back to your why.

We all have a personal “why” behind our business when we start out. We are clear on the vision and we communicate it often. It’s personal, it’s in-depth, and it drives everything we do.

Over time, that “why” can get lost in the routine so it’s important to reach back deep into our hearts to rediscover the purpose. Why did you start your business? What’s the heart behind everything you do? Has that heart changed or evolved over time?

Once you’ve gotten back in touch with your “why”, look for outside opportunities to serve that why. For example, if your business purpose is to empower women in business, offer your services for free at a local women’s shelter.

The point is to connect with your “why” by getting to know the faces that are directly impacted by what you do. This will change everything for you and reignite your passion for your business!

We all go through seasons of lulls or frustration with our business, but falling back in love is possible. It just takes some recognition and intention. Don’t be too hard on yourself if this is where you’re at this season. It will pass and you’ve got the tools to help that process along. Just keep going and know that “the dip” may hit but there’s always a way out and through.

A simple way to reignite that passion for your business is by giving it a glow-up! After you’ve looked at your goals and your “why”, ask yourself if your business still reflects the vision and heart behind your business. If your brand needs a refresh or you’re finally ready to make the leap and start that new business, we’d love to chat with you! We’re here to support you and are booking branding projects for Summer 2023. CLICK HERE to get in touch!